Friday, June 6, 2008

Those who read fiction..;

"Books say: she did this because.... Life says: she did this.... Books are where things are explained to you; life is where things aren't."
-- Author Julian Barnes

According to a study people who read narrative fiction often have improved social abilities, while for those who read non-fiction, the opposite holds true.Generally, "All stories are about people and their interactions -- romance, tragedy, conflict and these Stories often force us to empathize with characters who are quite different from us, and this ability could help us better understand the many kinds of people we come across in the real world."
Research has shown that the more authors a person identifies, the more the person reads.

According to a study
  • People who frequently read narrative fiction scored higher on tests of both empathy (the ability to understand and identify with another person's feelings) and social acumen (the ability to make quick judgments of people and situations).

  • Frequent reading of non-fiction was associated with poorer empathy and social acumen.

A follow-up study found similar results. Those who read a short story from the New Yorker performed better on a social-reasoning task that followed than those who read an essay.

The researchers developed two theories to explain why reading fiction may be good for social skills. First, it exposes people to examples of the way people behave socially. Second, fiction readers practice inferring people's intentions and closely watching their relationships.

However, non-fiction readers, the authors say, "fail to simulate such experiences, and may accrue a social deficit in social skills as a result of removing themselves from the actual social world."

(the above from various sources)

Personally speaking I love reading and i have often felt that i have learnt a lot from books no matter what category it belongs to.It has broadened my outlook and it has given me a lot of confidence to face the realities of life.I think writing is an art and i have the greatest admiration for all those writers who are able to transform our lives for that limited time , by their writings.
Just imagine what a drab world this would be without all those imaginative outpourings..;


  1. Couldnt agree with you more. :-)
    For someone who has never been to regular college, I am in much gratitude to Books..They enriched my life and made me a window to look at the world ! what i feel. But then, some say that reading making us dreamers. Still I would love to be a dreamer. What is life bereft of dreams ? :-)

  2. I don't know if going to college makes one "Educated" in the real sense of the term.Honestly i feel that education is more of the mind than getting degrees.Any day a well read person is far interesting than a
    so called "well educated" person.I have known people with umpteen degrees who are extremely boring company .

  3. Thanks Kiran for such nice words.. :-) What i meant of going to college is mingling with people from different walks of life and getting enriched by their experiences . Some of my people were so worried that I might not fit in this society where interaction is the keyword. But I never felt it a drawback. When i went into the world, it was like as if i was there already. Books rehearsed me about life.. and its ways. :-)

  4. Honestly the kind of interaction one comes across between the so called educated college degree holders, leaves one cold...;and their views on life as a whole is definitely not i would interact with people of my choice regardless of any background rather than go by ,any standard set by our society ..
