Monday, June 16, 2008

TRADING IN THE STOCK MARKET - some useful tips

My own initial experience with the stock market was a disaster where i lost quite a bit of money.But i was fascinated by the entire concept, so wanted to give it another try..; I spoke to a number of people and almost everyone had some bitter experience or the other to recount and share, and many had hardly made any profit in day trading..;
Sometime back i met a family friend at a wedding, got talking to him , while talking he told me that he had taken VRS (voluntary retirement scheme) from his bank job ,and now concentrated on the stock market.I was of course very interested in knowing about his experiences..; so later met him and spoke about it.I was plain surprised to hear that he had never ever lost any money, but on every trading day he made an average profit of Rs 800-Rs 1000, which he said was more than enough for him( Rs 16,000-20,000 per month). This seemed too good to be true, but he had been doing this for a long time and invested a lot of time on researching about various stocks and their movements, and was reaping the benefits of all that hard work..;

These were some of the simple but time tested strategies he used while trading ..

1,Never invest huge amounts of money in any one share
2,Never be greedy, book your profits keeping a target
3, Try to have some knowledge of the shares you want to invest and trade in
4, Keep a check on share prices and movements

Now, after several trials and errors i too have come to a safe method of trading.

Here is how i do it based on the advise given to me by this friend..;

I have bought some shares at various points of time, generally when the markets are down and the prices have come down considerably.
When the market is booming and my share prices have gone up considerably i sell these shares and also put a buying price ...
For example :- If i have 100 shares A,B,C,and D, and prices of all these shares have gone up much higher than what i paid, i call up my broker and put a sale price, and once that is executed , i put a much lower buy price.( for example if i sell share A at Rs145, i put a buy price at Rs 135)If this order gets executed then i have made a tidy profit . But on the other hand if the share price goes up , then i have to give delivery of the shares. And wait may be for a week at the most or sometimes even less than that time for the prices to come down considerably, when i buy back the shares..keep doing this whenever there is an opportunity. But take care to keep a personal account of all your trades. The profits may not be huge, but they are steady . The most important factor to be considered is that there is very little risk and losses involved here.


  1. My knowledge of the share markets is abysmal. Just the knowledge i gained from books like..Money changers.. :-) but these days, with the revolution of the internet, things have changed a lot. I remember when i filled in a form for a friend of apply for Tata Elxi shares.and luckily he got them too. It was the height of Harshad, the big bull..and the share started at 145 rupees ! Ofcourse, then it fell to lowest lows..and with time stabilized. But somehow that took away most of my enthusiasm..:-)
    Now, people do say that times of Harshad or Ketan have the trade has become global..but i remain sceptic , as always.
    May be i too should get acquainted with demat accounts et al... in coming times..
    The way you coped up with the changing markets is nice...Keep the good job !

  2. Yes venkat, there have been scams galore in the past , but now of late the stock market has been regularised and one needs to have proper records and identifications to trade.A demat a/c and a trading a/c with the broker of your choice is easy to make if you furnish the required documents, mainly a pan card...;and then you can trade on line from the comfort of your home.But all in all i feel that day trading can be risky , but again even there, if one is calm and has some patience it can be done...;
